

Dr. Henry W. Wright

Dr. Henry W. Wright will be remembered for a great many things. His contributions to the health and welfare of the body of Christ were invaluable and continue to bear the wonderful fruit of healing and deliverance throughout the world. Yet to those who knew him, he was a genuine, sincere man who truly cared for each individual that he encountered.

He was fun-loving, with a sense of humor that could sometimes fly under the radar and other times catch you completely off guard. He deeply loved his wife, Pastor Donna Wright, his family, and his extended church family. And though he liked to keep the atmosphere light and encouraging, he took his role as a shepherd of the church very seriously.

It would be impossible to measure the impact he had on the lives of the people around him. His heart was to lead others to wholeness and peace in the love of God, and He did his best to represent God’s love in all that he did. He would frequently say, “Healing is just a bonus. Our relationship with Father God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit is the most important thing that makes everything else work.” He’d also say that he was just a guy doing what God told him to do. He didn’t have to prove that he was something special; he wanted to lead others to God’s love. Yet, because he yielded to God, God was able to use him mightily as a vessel for the furtherance of His Kingdom.

Dr. Wright was the president and founder of Hope of the Generations Church and Be in Health®. Together, Henry and Donna Wright faithfully taught and ministered to those that God sent to them. They also traveled all over the world, teaching conferences and ministering. Over time, God led them to establish the For My Life® Retreat and other subsequent retreats and conferences. These have led tens of thousands of people to restoration and healing in God as they learned the spiritual roots of disease and applied the scriptural truth to their lives.

Dr. Wright’s first book, A More Excellent Way, was initially self-published, yet it became a bestseller on the Christian book marketplace, selling hundreds of thousands of copies worldwide. This book has helped thousands of people recover from the devastation of disease and find healing in God. A More Excellent Way is also translated into seven languages.

The book he published shortly before he went on to be with the Lord entitled, Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Disease, has already become an invaluable resource. He also left a wealth of insights and teachings that teach God’s people how to walk as victorious overcomers in health and wholeness in every area of their lives—spirit, soul, and body.

Because of his extensive Biblical and medical research and understanding, he earned an honorary doctorate of therapeutic counseling from Chesapeake Bible College. He understood that we were more than just physical and psychological beings, we are also very spiritual after the image of God. That understanding was groundbreaking in helping people be recovered to wholeness in God in their whole being. He went on to develop the groundbreaking field of study called PneumaPsychoSomatology®, which studies the connection between the spirit, soul, and body according to the Bible.

His legacy will continue to bring healing and restoration to many more people. He put his hand to the plow and did not look back; he kept the faith and finished his course on the earth. Although we all greatly miss his presence with us, the day he went home to the Lord was the happiest day of his life. We rejoice with him on his graduation, and now it’s our responsibility to continue submitting ourselves to God so that we too can be His vessels to complete the Lord’s work here.

Our Conference Will Start In

About the Conference

PTSD is no accident. The reason for someone developing this disorder actually begins well before the traumatic event even occurs. Have you ever wondered why one person may develop PTSD and another person does not, even though they experience the same trauma event?

In this teaching, conducted as a panel in 2016, Dr. Henry Wright and his research team dig deep into what is behind PTSD spiritually, psychologically, and biologically.

This is a free, online event and open to anyone! For more information or to register, click here:

For more information, reach out to outreach@beinhealth.com

About the Host

Be in Health is the ministry branch of Hope of the Generations Church in Thomaston, GA. We seek to help you understand the connection between your broken relationships and disease. We have seen thousands of testimonies of physical healing from all kinds of diseases, as well as freedom from mental health issues as God has worked with people through our ministry. We work with you to strengthen your relationships with God, yourself, and others which produces hope and health.

Our mission is to establish generations of overcomers. Our desire is to reach as many people as possible, establishing them with Biblical truth and give them tools that are necessary to be overcomers and to thrive in their daily lives. Through personal experience and observation, we have seen how the truth continues to make people free—no matter what their background, experience, childhood, or culture.

Through these foundational teachings, we have gained insights into cancer, cardiovascular disease, mental illness, learning disabilities, autoimmune disease, allergies, divorce, traumas, rejection, hopelessness, and much more.

We offer life-changing, intensive healing retreats, including the For My Life Retreat, the Walk Out Workshop, and For My Life Expanded. Click here to find out more about what Be in Health has to offer: https://www.beinhealth.com/

Frequently Asked questions

This is an online viewing of a conference recorded in 2016, so you can watch from anywhere!

Yes, there will be breaks in-between.

No, it is completely free.

Yes, you will be able to re-watch the conference after it ends for up to 30 days.